welcome to janevortex, my personal blogging page of awesomeness..
hi, i'm jane, and this is my personal website. it might not be much now, but i promse you its going to be something great! :)
introductions and interests
to introduce myself, hi. im jane. but you already knew that. i like retro operating systems some of my favorites are windows 7, vista, xp and 98, old mac os (10.4 :3) and old linux distros, i also like to customize already existing apps! being able to bring design choices back (such as skeuomorphism and frutiger aero) are really cool and i miss them dearly. (a photo of my actually windows setup below! :D)

i also like to draw! i usually use mspaint, and alot of the time my style is inconsistant. i uhhh i make youtube videos.. and i play games. thats kinda it.. oh and i used to have an old website called SWAGFUCK, which is sadly now defunct. i like homestuck, roleplay (NOTHING WEIRD >:L), graphic design, and music!

my music interests
my favorite artist has to be tyler the creator, i've listened to all of his albums, including unreleased albums!!!! my favorite albums though are bastard, wolf, call me if you get lost, wolf 2010, his unreleased EPs, and his ace the creator work. i love odd future too!!! heres most of the artists i listen to though: "Tyler, The Creator, The Pharcyde, OFWGKTA, Flying Lotus, Childish Gambino, Jamiroquai, Earl Sweatshirt, Superheaven, Logan Whitehurst & the Junior Science Club, BrandUn Deshay, The Arrogant Sons of Bitches, The Smashing Pumpkins, Frank Ocean, Domo Genesis, Denzel Curry, bôa, The Comet Is Coming".